Philippe the Original

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As summer is just cruisin’ by, all of these new food places are opening up! From Poke to ice cream shops, and even new night markets! Although new places are always awesome to try, we cannot forget the places that have set the rules of first original ideas. I was invited by Philippe the Original for my as my first blogger event! I had so much fun meeting new bloggers and exploring what they had behind the scenes.

Philippe the Original has been opened since 1908 and they are KNOWN for their world famous french dips & sides, soups and desserts. If you have never tried it, oh man you are missing out!!!


First, we were able to see how these original french dips were prepped behind the scenes. The meat is kept on a certain temperature then it is sliced through a machine. The store manager grew up learning about this place he just knows what everything has to taste like, to keep it original. 🙂


some of their workers have been there for more than staff can remember – you KNOW that the work is treating their staff right and are able to keep the same taste going! image8

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Pickled veggies are what they are known for as well to go along with the sandwich! Anyone else have tried their purple pickled eggs?


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Don’t mind if I do…!

mmmmm… their juicy sandwich is double dipped and ready to be eaten as a whole. Only if I really could. Every bite I took I could taste the flavors that has been prepped with much knowledge of the past, and I know now why this restaurant stands here till this day in the 20th century. Philippe the OG, where have you been all my life…?!

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Ending my meal with a blueberry pie ~ hope you guys enjoyed what I have learned on my first event! Don’t forget to visit Philippe the Original, located in Chinatown (LA)!

Until next time, Ff.

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